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Reydiant Products Blogger Review: Singlemominthecity

We received this review from blogger: singlemominthecity, you can follow her blog here

Review: Reydiant products

So, as a mom, blogger, digital maniac, I’m always on the hunt for a product that can make my life a bit easier. Well, the gods must have heard my pleas as I received an email from Reydiant asking if I would review a few of their products and I said why not.

Queue beautifully arrived package hand delivered to my door and we have so much excitement and the best way to start a weekend.


I received such a nice variety i was really excited…

I loved the packaging and Amra and I loved how it smelled.

Sleepy times – Amra is 4. Do you know how difficult it is to put a 4 year old to sleep after her route has been broken? It’s chaos, fights and everything else in between. First night of sleepy time, i was ready for the battle. Amra: 0 – Mommy: 1. Followed the same bedtime routine – bath, massage with Sleepy Time and a story. I didn’t even need to complete my story as my little girl was happily in Lala land. Did i mention how much she loves the smell. Her routine is back in tact and I am a very happy mommy right now.

Oil cleansing method – normal skin – I hate toners and cleansers. My mom raised me that your skin is your best asset and you should take care of it and avoid unnecessary products. So being a bit sceptical,  I was excited to try something a bit different. And you know what, I don’t regret it. I hardly wear makeup but when I do, i love that i can cleanse my face and it’s left feeling soft and clear. No greasy grimy feeling.

Oil cleansing method – combination skin – after i had so much success with the cleansing oil for normal skin, my friend Jolandi was really keen to try the cleansing oil for combination skin and said she’s claimed that bottle. Another happy user it seems.

Soft as your baby – this is such an amazing massage oil and hand moisturizer for adults. I definitely used it as a hand moisturizer. But this is rather an interesting fact – It’s really great for babies and people who suffer from eczema and psoriasis as it alleviates the dryness and aids in skin regeneration for open sores caused by eczema.

My verdict: LOVE IT! The products last so long but as soon it’s empty, i’ll definitely be purchasing more to stock up.

Thank you to Reydiant for the amazing products and for giving me the chance to review it.

Much luv
