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Soap Making Class!

Have you ever wanted to learn how to make your own natural, handmade soap for you and your family?

If you answered yes to any of these questions then our Soap Making Class is perfect for you!

This class will teach you all you need to know to safely make your own amazing cold process soaps using natural ingredients from scratch!

It’s an introductory class so you’ll learn ALL the basics and safety measures that are required for making your own soap.

Topics to be covered:

The science of soap-making

Safety Requirements

How to formulate your own recipes

Once we’ve covered all the basics and theory on how to make soap, you’ll get to make your OWN batch of soap! It’ll need at least 48 hours to set and harden before unmoulding so you’ll only be able to collect it then. If you’re interested in this class, please set aside at least 3 hours for our class.

We look forward to hearing from you and teaching you how to make your own soap! Simply pop us an email or whatsapp us to book your spot!

We offer individual as well as small group classes upto 6 people at R950 per person.

*Classes are only available in Cape Town.

2 thoughts on “Soap Making Class!

  1. This class sounds wonderful and exactly what I need! I’ll definitely be booking my spot! I can’t wait!

    1. We looking forward to having you join! Classes are currently suspended due to the Covid-19 pandemic. We should resume them next year.

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